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Are you ready to explore your life's design?

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EarthWind and Zen Life Design is a client-centered coaching practice dedicated to using holistic principals that integrate the full spectrum of body, mind, and spirit. We build lives from the inside out. Landing on my page is no coincidence. I’m going to bet you are experiencing what I like to call a crazy beautiful turning point in your life, an inner voice saying I know there is more out there for me…but what is it?
You are right, there is! Welcome! You have come to the right place.

My mission is to help you tap into the vastness of unlimited potential through excavation and creation. We will start with building solid foundations based on unshakeable confidence and self worth. Expand and organize your tool-box implemented by personal discovery and your own true brilliance. And most importantly, we will tone and shape spiritual muscles, inspiring a new clarity of vision into the richness of your life not yet experienced.

Together we will find your specific life design. One that is filled with authentic truth, limitless possibilities, and new exciting adventures because…

You Deserve It!

Terri Hagar Scherer, Certified Holistic Life Coach

Find out more. 

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
— Mary Oliver
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Work With Me

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“In order to live remarkable lives we must walk past out fears and believe if we leap, the net will appear.”
- John Burroughs

I live an amazing life! Be it as a director in the theatre, a dance teacher, or a mentor counseling people through substance abuse. For the past 40 years I have been in the business of connecting, supporting, and encouraging students, artists, and spiritual seekers to find their passion. As I continue to live mine, it is my hope that my story will serve to inspire yours.

Read more about Terri.


What People Are Saying

“She clearly approached the session with a loving and kind heart which made it very easy for me to open up and vulnerable. Terri helped me formulate a game plan through action on how to address some long held issues that have been holding me back.” - Paul M. 

“It feels like Terri was always meant to be a life coach. She is so in tune with herself and others that she can give tremendous support to those that need it the most and sees people for who they are. Thank you Terri! I’ll be coming back.” - Lucia D.

“Terri is very patient, an attentive listener, and seeks to add to what exists rather than work from a template. She has a very experienced based use of tools and knowledge that helps to awaken my awareness  and to move me in a positive direction toward my goals and intentions.”  - Robert C.

Read more of what people have to say about Terri!


Packages and Pricing


Get Your Feet Wet

FREE | 20 minutes

A 30-minute phone call to build your strategy session


High Dive

$75 | 60 MINUTES

If you are looking for that spark that inspires, creative solutions to address challenges or goals, or empowerment toward a positive direction this session will bring your design to life.


Sacred Circle / Speaking Engagements


For more information about Life Designs for groups, couples, or speaking engagements please contact Terri for more information.

Scholarships and financial aid available.

Book Now

Questions? Contact Terri.
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